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How To Use Load More Option With A Non Head Web Scraper [instagram]

I am trying to download the location details from Instagram using URL scrape, but I am not able use Load more option to scrape more locations from the URLs. I appreciate suggestio

Solution 1:

The url for the instagram "see more" button I think you may be describing adds a page number to the url you are scraping like so:

You can add a counter that iterates to mimic increasing the page number and loop through as long as you continue to receive results back. I add a try, except to watch for the KeyError thrown when there are no more results, then set conditions to exit loops and write the dataframe to csv.

Modified code:

import re
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim

    pageNumber = 1
    r = requests.get(url1+ str(pageNumber)) #grabs page 1
    searching = Truewhile searching:
        match ='window._sharedData = (.*);</script>', r.text)
        a= json.loads(
        except KeyError: # print"No more locations returned"
            searching = False# will exit while loop
            b = [] # avoids duplicated from previous resultsiflen(b) > 0: # skips this section if there are no resultsfor j inrange(0,len(b)):
                z= b[j]
                ifall(ord(char) < 128for char in z['name'])==True:
                    print (x)
                    geolocator = Nominatim()
                    location = geolocator.geocode(x,timeout=10000)
                    if location!=None:
                        #print((location.latitude, location.longitude))
                        df3 = df3.append(pd.DataFrame({'name': z['name'], 'id':z['id'],'latitude':location.latitude,
                                       'longitude':location.longitude},index=[0]), ignore_index=True)
        pageNumber += 1next = url1 + str(pageNumber) # increments url
        r = requests.get(next) # gets results for next url
    df3.to_csv(filename,header=True,index=False) #When finished looping through pages, write dataframe to csv

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