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Transform Columns Values To Columns In Pyspark Dataframe

I would like to transform the values of a column into multiple columns of a dataframe in pyspark on databricks. e.g from pyspark.sql import SparkSession spark = SparkSession.buil

Solution 1:

What you're looking for a a combination of pivot and aggregation functions, such as collect_list() or collect_set(). Have a look at the available aggregation functions here: Here's some code example:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pyspark.sql.functions as f

df = spark._sc.parallelize([
    ["dapd", "shop", "retail"],
    ["dapd", "shop", "on-line"],
    ["dapd", "payment", "credit"],
    ["wrfr", "shop", "supermarket"],
    ["wrfr", "shop", "brand store"],
    ["wrfr", "payment", "cash"]]
).toDF(["id", "value1", "value2"])
|  id| value1|     value2|
|dapd|   shop|     retail|
|dapd|   shop|    on-line|
|dapd|payment|     credit|
|wrfr|   shop|supermarket|
|wrfr|   shop|brand store|
|wrfr|payment|       cash|

|id  |payment |shop                      |
|dapd|[credit]|[retail, on-line]         |
|wrfr|[cash]  |[supermarket, brand store]|

Solution 2:

there is something like this you can do.

newdf=newdf.withColumn('payment',func.col('payment')[0]), False)
|id  |payment|shop                   |
|dapd|credit |retail|on-line         |
|wrfr|cash   |brand store|supermarket|

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