Django Year/month Based Posts Archive
Solution 1:
Firstly, the datetime format strings are given in the django docs. I think you want capital instead of lowercase 'M'.
Since you want to display all 12 months of a year, even if only some have posts, we'll create an archives
object to pass to the template. I've chosen to use a dictionary where
- the keys are the years
- the values are a list of 12
[datetime, bool]
pairs, wheredatetime
represents a month, andbool
if there are posts for that month.
Here's how we build the archives
object in the view.
from datetime import date
arch = Post.objects.dates('date', 'month', order='DESC')
archives = {}
for i in arch:
year = i.year
month = i.month
archives[year][month-1][1]=Trueexcept KeyError:
# catch the KeyError, and set up list for that year
archives[year]=[[date(y,m,1),False] for m in xrange(1,13)]
archives[year][month-1][1]=Truereturn render_to_response('blog/arhiva.html',
In the template, we loop through the months for each year, and display the link if appropriate.
{% for year, month_list in archives %}
{{ year }} archives:
{% for month, has_link in month_list %}
{% if has_link %}<a href="/{{ month.year }}/{{ month.month }}/">{% endif %}
{{ month|date:"M" }}
{% if has_link %}</a>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
I haven't checked all the code so there might be a couple of bugs. It would be better to use the url template tag for the link, instead of hardcoding the url format. I have a feeling my answer might be overly complicated, but I've spent a while typing it up, so I may as well share it with the world.
I haven't used the internationalization features of Django, so I can't really help with the translation. I recommend you have a look at the documentation, and ask another question if there's a particular bit you don't understand.
Having said that, if you want to display the months is Romanian only, here's an ugly way to do it.
First, add the following line to the top of your archive function in the view.
rom_months = ['Ian', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Iun',
'Iul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Noi', 'Dec']
Then substitute the following line into your view
archives[year]=[[date(y,k+1,1),False,rom] for k, rom in enumerate(rom_months)]
Finally substitute the following into the template
{% for month, has_link, rom_month in month_list %}
{% if has_link %}<a href="/{{ month.year }}/{{ month.month }}/">{% endif %}
{{ rom_month }}
Solution 2:
Ok... so the final code that works for me is:
in view:
rom_months = ['Ian', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'Mai', 'Iun',
'Iul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Noi', 'Dec']
arch = Post.objects.dates('data', 'month', order='DESC')
archives = {}
for i in arch:
year = i.year
month = i.month
archives[year][month-1][1] = Trueexcept KeyError:
archives[year]=[[,k+1,1),False,rom] for k, rom inenumerate(rom_months)]
archives[year][month-1][1] = Truereturn render_to_response('blog/arhiva.html', {'archives':sorted(archives.items(),reverse=True)})
and in template:
{% for year, month_list in archives %}
{{ year }} Arhive:
{% for month, has_link, rom_month in month_list %}
{% if has_link %}<a href="/{{ month.year }}/{{ month.month }}/">{% endif %}
{{ rom_month }}
{% if has_link %}</a>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<br />
{% endfor %}
and the result:
2009 Arhive: Ian Feb Mar Apr Mai Iun Iul Aug Sept Oct Noi Dec2008 Arhive: Ian Feb Mar Apr Mai Iun Iul Aug Sept Oct Noi Dec2007 Arhive: Ian Feb Mar Apr Mai Iun Iul Aug Sept Oct Noi Dec2003 Arhive: Ian Feb Mar Apr Mai Iun Iul Aug Sept Oct Noi Dec
Thanks a lot again for help. You're the best! I'm the n00b! :)
Solution 3:
You might want to consider starting with a generic view and building off that.
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