Twisted Python + Spawnprocess. Getting Output From A Command
I'm working to wrap the Minecraft server application with a Twisted Python server that has a RESTful API for getting the list of currently connected players. The Twisted app starts
Solution 1:
First, do not call writeSomeData
ever. Call write
. Second, having a global protocol instance is probably a bad idea, for all the usual reasons globals are generally a bad idea.
Third, add a method to the ProcessProtocol
subclass for getting the information you want. The protocol's job is knowing how to turn abstract actions, like "ask for a list of players" into byte sequences to transmit and how to turn received byte sequences back into abstract actions like "the process told me these players are connected".
return self._waiting[-1]
defoutReceived(self, bytes):
outbuffer = self.outbuffer + bytes
lines, leftover = parseLines(outbuffer)
self.outbuffer = leftover
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('[INFO] Connected players: '):
Now any of your code which has a reference to a connected NotchianProcessProtocol
can call listPlayers
on it and get back a Deferred
which will fire with connected player information shortly afterwards.
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