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Do Form Parameter Names Need To Be Encoded When Doing A Post?

Quick version: Do the names of parameters of 'forms' being sent using the standard multipart/form-data encoding need to be encoded? Longer version: The upload form on

Solution 1:

RFC 2388 covers multipart/form-data submissions. Section 3 specifies that parameter names should be either ASCII or encoded as per RFC 2047.

So if your POST request is encoded as multipart/form-data (which poster is doing), then no, parameter names don't need to be encoded this way. I suggest filing a bug with the author (ahem...), he might be willing to fix it in a future release ;)

A workaround is to set your MultipartParam's name attribute directly, e.g. = 'file[]'

Solution 2:

Although in essence this question has been answered, I'm including some more details on how to dig through those RFCs.

RFC 2388 section 3 states that a Content-Disposition header is reqired. Non-ASCII data should be encoded using RFC 2047 even though that looks like a conflict. RFC 2183 section 2 describes the format of this Content-disposition header. The name fits in the general parameter rule of that grammar, but references RFC 2045 for that. There in section 5.1 you find that the right hand side of a parameter is either a token or a quoted-string. Neither production mentions any URL-encoded format for form names. But [ and ] are in tspecials, so they cannot be part of a token. So we get

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file[]"        (correct)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=file[]          (invalid)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file%5B%5D" (wrong name)
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=file%5B%5D   (wrong name)

One more note for non-ASCII file names: the current HTML 5 specification draft requires not encoding them in a 7-bit safe manner, but instead transferring them in the encoding used throughout the request. A question about non-ascii field names is what brought me to look at this question of yours today.

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