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Error In Installing Matplotlib : Fatal Error C1083

I am relatively new to Python coding and want to learn about statistics and data management in Python. For this I would like to install Matplotlib, which is giving me some issues.

Solution 1:

You have python 3.8, not python 3.7. But there are no python 3.8 wheels available for matplotlib 3.1.1 on pypi. So best remove python 3.8 completely and install python 3.7. When you then run python -m pip install matplotlib it will install the compiled version from the wheels, so there is no need to compile anything yourself or have Microsoft Studio available.

Solution 2:

After spending a lot of time on the issue, this helped me to solve it:

python -m pip install -U matplotlib==3.2.0rc1

Solution 3:

FYI: the matplotlib website installation instructions has some info on installing from source.

For Windows it states setting include path and link path:

set CL=/IC:\directory\containing\ft2build.h ...
set LINK=/LIBPATH:C:\directory\containing\freetype.lib ...

Solution 4:

As a workaround you may install matplotlib on Windows using the 'Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages' with pip install <downloaded_filename>.

Tested on Python 3.8, Windows 10 and matplotlib-3.2

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