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How To Select A Column Name And Use It As Input For A Variable Name In Python?

ORIGINAL QUESTION: I'm writing a while loop to loop over certain columns. In this while loop I want to create a variable of which the name partly consists of the column name it is

Solution 1:

You shouldn't create variables on-the-fly as it could lead to many issues, instead, use dictionary:

largest = {}
x = 2length = len(grouped_class.columns)
whilex < length:
    x = x + 1
    column = grouped_class.columns[x]
    largest[column + '_largest'] = x + 5

Solution 2:

Right way: The right (Pythonic) way is to use dictionaries.

columns = {}
columns[some_string] = some_value

Unadvised dirty way, but answers your question: Storing a string as a variable name in your global namespace can be done simply by (example):

some_value = 100
some_string = 'var_name'
globals()[some_string] = some_value

The output is then


On the other hand, if you want to add a variablename locally, you can use locals() instead of globals().

I trust you can take over from here!

Solution 3:

You do not want to do that. Of course dirty tricks can allow it, but the Pythonic way is to use a dictionary:

largest = {}
x = 2
length = len(grouped_class.columns)
while x < length:
    x = x + 1
    largest[grouped_class.columns[x]] = x + 5

Solution 4:

Looks like you are using a pandas dataFrame. You can use:

dict = {}
my_dict[grouped_class.columns[x]+'_largest'] = x+5

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