Creating Dictionary-object From String That Looks Like Dictionaries
Solution 1:
FYI, This is NOT the complete solution ..
If this is the concrete structure of your input, and will be the constant pattern within your source, you can distinguish the comma-separated Tokens.
The difference between major: 11
, and name: A=1,B=1,C=1,P=1,
is that there is SPACE after the first token which makes the difference from the second token. So simply by adding a space into second split
method, you can render your string properly.
So, the code should be something like this:
dict(elem.split(':') for elem in myString.split(', '))
Pay attention to send split method. There is a SPACE and comma ...
Regarding to the JSON format, it needs more work I guess. I have no idea now ..
Solution 2:
Here's another suggestion.
Why don't you transform it into a dictionary notation.
E.g. in a first step, you replace everything between a ':' and (comma or end of input) that contains a '=' (and mybe no whitespace, I don't know) by wrapping it in braces and replacing '=' by ':'.
In a second step, wrap everything between a ':' and (comma or end of input) in ', removing trailing and leading whitespace.
Finally, you wrap it all in braces.
I still don't trust that syntax, though... maybe after a few thousand lines have been processed successfully...
Solution 3:
At least, this parses the given example correctly...
import re
def parse(s):
rx = r"""(?x)
(\w+) \s* : \s*
(?: \w+ = \w+,)*
(?: \w+ = \w+)
(?: [^,]+)
r = {}
for key, valin re.findall(rx, s):
val = dict(x.split('=') for x inval.split(','))
r[key] = valreturn r
myString = "major: 11, minor: 31, name: A=1,B=1,C=1,P=1, severity: 0, comment: this is down"
print parse(myString)
# {'comment': 'this is down', 'major': '11', 'name': {'A': '1', 'P': '1', 'C': '1', 'B': '1'}, 'minor': '31', 'severity': '0'}
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