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How To Randomly Shuffle A Populaiton By Preserving All Properites Except One?

A spherical region of space is filled with a specific distribution of smaller, different size spheres. Each sphere is associated with some physical properties: position, radius, ma

Solution 1:

If you're using pandas, you could just shuffle one column:

df['col'] = df['col'].sample(frac=1).values

This works equally well on any subset of columns, e.g.

cols = ['col1', 'col2']
df[cols] = df[cols].sample(frac=1).values

The two columns are shuffled together, i.e. their respective values remain aligned.

See also this answer.

Solution 2:

You can implement a Knuth shuffle (, its quite straight-forward.

You can adapt the implementation algorithm to only swap your desired properties.

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