/bin/sh: Line 62: To: Command Not Found
I have a python code in which I am calling a shell command. The part of the code where I did the shell command is: try: def parse(text_list): text = '\n'.join(text_list
Solution 1:
You rarely, if ever, want to combine passing a list argument with shell=True
. Just pass the string:
synnet_output = subprocess.check_output("echo '%s' | syntaxnet/demo.sh 2>/dev/null"%(text,), shell=True)
However, you don't really need a shell pipeline here.
from subprocess import check_output
from StringIO import StringIO # from io import StringIO in Python 3
synnet_output = check_output(["syntaxnet/demo.sh"],
Solution 2:
There was a problem with some special characters appearing in the text string that i was inputting to demo.sh
. I solved this by storing text
into a temporary file and sending the contents of that file to demo.sh
That is:
text = '\n'.join(text_list)
cwd = os.getcwd()
withopen('/tmp/data', 'w') as f:
synnet_output = subprocess.check_output(["cat /tmp/data | syntaxnet/demo.sh 2>/dev/null"%text], shell = True)
return synnet_output
except Exception as e:
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