Capture The Text Inside Square Brackets Using A Regex
I saw question here: Regex to capture {} which is similar to what I want, but I cannot get it to work. My data is: [Honda] Japanese manufacturer [VTEC] Name of electronic lift cont
Solution 1:
You only have one group in your expression, so you can only ever get that one group. Group 1 is the capturing group, group 0 is the whole matched text; in your expression they are one and the same. Had you omitted the (...)
parentheses, you'd only have a group 0.
If you wanted to get all matches, use re.findall()
. This returns a list of matching groups (or group 0, if there are no capturing groups in your expression):
>>> import re
>>> re.findall('\[[^\[\]]*\]', '[Honda] Japanese manufacturer [VTEC] Name of electronic lift control')
['[Honda]', '[VTEC]']
Solution 2:
You can use re.findall
to get all the matches, though you'll get them in a list, and you don't need capture groups:
m = re.findall('\[[^\[\]]*\]', '[Honda] Japanese manufacturer [VTEC] Name of electronic lift control')
Gives ['[Honda]', '[VTEC]']
so you can get each with:
# => [Honda]print(m[1])
# => [VTEC]
Solution 3:
If you are considering other than re:
s="[Honda] Japanese manufacturer [VTEC] Name of electronic lift control"
result = []
tempStr = ""
flag = Falsefor i in s:
if i == '[':
flag = Trueelif i == ']':
flag = Falseelif flag:
tempStr = tempStr + i
elif tempStr != "":
tempStr = ""print result
['Honda', 'VTEC']
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