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Configure Argparse To Accept Quoted Arguments

I am writing a program which, among other things, allows the user to specify through an argument a module to load (and then use to perform actions). I am trying to set up a way to

Solution 1:


import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-M', '--module',
                    help="Module to run on changed files - should be in format MODULE:CLASS\n\
                          Specified class must have function with the signature run(src, dest)\
                          and return 0 upon success",
parser.add_argument('-A', '--module_args',
                    help="Arg to be passed through to the specified module",
import sys

I get:

1028:~/mypy$ python -M module:class -A "-f filename"
['', '-M', 'module:class', '-A', '-f filename']
Namespace(module='module:class', module_args=['-f filename'])

This is using a linux shell. The quoted string remains one string, as seen in the sys.argv, and is properly interpreted as an argument to -A.

Without the quotes the -f is separate and interpreted as a flag.

1028:~/mypy$ python -M module:class -A -ffilename
['', '-M', 'module:class', '-A', '-f', 'filename']
usage: [-h] [-M MODULE] [-A MODULE_ARGS] argument -A/--module_args: expected one argument

Are you using windows or some other OS/shell that doesn't handle quotes the same way?

In Argparse `append` not working as expected

you asked about a slightly different command line:

1032:~/mypy$ python  -A "-k filepath" -A "-t"
['', '-A', '-k filepath', '-A', '-t']
usage: [-h] [-M MODULE] [-A MODULE_ARGS] argument -A/--module_args: expected one argument

As I already noted -k filepath is passed through as one string. Because of the space, argparse does not interpret that as a flag. But it does interpret the bare '-t' as a flag.

There was a bug/issue about the possibility of interpreting undefined '-xxx' strings as arguments instead of flags. I'd have to look that up to see whether anything made it into to production.

Details of how strings are categorized as flag or argument can be found in argparse.ArgumentParser._parse_optional method. It contains a comment:

# if it contains a space, it was meant to be a positionalif' 'in arg_string:
        returnNone does not accept options taking arguments beginning with dash (regression from optparse) is an old and long bug/issue on the topic.

Solution 2:

The solution is to accept arbitrary arguments - there's an example in argparse's doc here:

argparse.REMAINDER. All the remaining command-line arguments are gathered into a list. This is commonly useful for command line utilities that dispatch to other command line utilities:

>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
>>> parser.add_argument('--foo')
>>> parser.add_argument('command')
>>> parser.add_argument('args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
>>> print(parser.parse_args('--foo B cmd --arg1 XX ZZ'.split()))
Namespace(args=['--arg1', 'XX', 'ZZ'], command='cmd', foo='B')

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