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Discontinuity In Results When Using Scipy.integrate.quad

I've discovered a strange behavior when using scipy.integrate.quad. This behavior also shows up in Octave's quad function, which leads me to believe that it may have something to d

Solution 1:

While I'm not exactly familiar with QUADPACK, adaptive integration generally works by increasing resolution until the answer no longer improves. Your function is so close to 0 for most of the interval (with F(10)==9.356e-116) that the improvement is negligible for the initial grid points that quad chooses, and it decides that the integral must be close to 0. Basically, if your data hides in a very narrow subinterval of the range of integration, quad eventually won't be able to find it.

For integration from 0 to inf, the interval obviously cannot be subdivided into a finite number of intervals, so quad will need some preprocessing before computing the integral. For example, a change of variables like y=1/(1+x) would map the interval 0..inf to 0..1. Subdividing that interval will sample more points near zero from the original function, enabling quad to find your data.

Solution 2:

try lowering the error tolerance

>>> quad(F, a, 1000, epsabs=1.49e-11)
(0.5199388058383727, 2.6133800952484582e-11)

I guess numerical integration is just sensitive to certain configuration. You can try to debug it by calling quad(..., full_output=1) and analyzing the verbose output carefully. Sorry if the answer is not satisfactory though.

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