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Error While Trying To Upload File Using Kairos

Iam using kairos api for face recognition .Iam trying to enroll an image.The documentation here says it also accepts base64 encode photos.So I have encoded the image using base 64

Solution 1:

Don't encode your photos. Probably they accept it, but its harder to pass. Check this solution:

import requests

files = {"image": (filename,open(location+'/'+filename,"rb"))}
payload= {"subject_id":"Abhishek",
response ='',headers=headers,data=payload,files=files,verify=False)
print response.text 

Solution 2:

I found the answer to the problem. You can try reading the image not using cv2, but as simple raw binary. cv2 reads it into a numpy array and you are encoding a numpy array. Reading like a simple file works for me, like below

withopen ('messi.jpg','rb') as imgFh:
    img =

Solution 3:

Try this.

import cv2
import requests
import base64
import json

encoded_string = base64.b64encode(open("Face-images/Subject 9.jpg", 
payload_dict = {
    "subject_id": "Abhishek",
    "gallery_name": "MyGallery"
payload = json.dumps(payload_dict)
request = Request('', data=payload, 
response_body = urlopen(request).read()

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