Executing "select ... Where ... In ..." Using Mysqldb
Solution 1:
Unfortunately, you need to manually construct the query parameters, because as far as I know, there is no built-in bind
method for binding a list
to an IN
clause, similar to Hibernate's setParameterList()
. However, you can accomplish the same with the following:
Python 3:
args=['A', 'C']
sql='SELECT fooid FROM foo WHERE bar IN (%s)'
in_p=', '.join(list(map(lambda x: '%s', args)))
sql=sql% in_p
cursor.execute(sql, args)
Python 2:
args=['A', 'C']
sql='SELECT fooid FROM foo WHERE bar IN (%s)'
in_p=', '.join(map(lambda x: '%s', args))
sql=sql% in_p
cursor.execute(sql, args)
Solution 2:
Here is a similar solution which I think is more efficient in building up the list of %s strings in the SQL:
Use the
format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(list_of_ids)) cursor.execute("DELETE FROM foo.bar WHERE baz IN (%s)" % format_strings, tuple(list_of_ids))
That way you avoid having to quote yourself, and avoid all kinds of sql injection.
Note that the data (
) is going directly to mysql's driver, as a parameter (not in the query text) so there is no injection. You can leave any chars you want in the string, no need to remove or quote chars.
Solution 3:
If you have other parameters in the query, beyond the IN list, then the following extension to JG's answer may be useful.
ids = [1, 5, 7, 213]
sql = "select * from person where type=%s and id in (%s)"
in_ids = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '%s', ids))
sql = sql % ('%s', in_ids)
params = []
cursor.execute(sql, tuple(params))
That is, join all the params in a linear array, then pass it as a tuple to the execute method.
Solution 4:
this works for me:
myTuple= tuple(myList)
sql="select fooid from foo where bar in "+str(myTuple)
Solution 5:
Maybe we can create a function to do what João proposed? Something like:
def cursor_exec(cursor, query, params):
expansion_params= []
real_params = []
for p in params:
if isinstance(p, (tuple, list)):
expansion_params.append( ("%s,"*len(p))[:-1] )
real_query = query % expansion_params
cursor.execute(real_query, real_params)
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