How To Animate Balls With Varying Speeds In Tkinter?
import time, random from tkinter import * class Box( Frame ): def __init__( self ): # __init__ runs when Box() executes Frame.__init__( self ) # Frame is the
Solution 1:
One solution is to create a custom class that represents one ball. Have the code to move the ball be inside that class. Each ball can then have its own velocity and direction.
Here's a really simple example for a ball that falls. You would need to add logic for bouncing, falling in different directions, etc.
def__init__(self, canvas, x=10, y=10, radius=10, color="red", speed=1):
self.canvas = canvas
self.speed = speed
self.canvas_id = canvas.create_oval(x-radius, y-radius, x+radius, y+radius,
outline=color, fill=color)
defmove(self, on=True):
self.canvas.move(self.canvas_id, self.speed, self.speed)
You would use this with something like this:
self.canvas = Canvas(...)
self.balls = []
for i inrange(10):
<compute x, y, color, speed, ...>
ball = Ball(self.canvas, x, y, radius, color, speed)
To animate them, set up a simple loop:
for ball inself.balls:
self.canvas.after(30, self.animate)
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