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How To Combine Multiple Files In Gcs Bucket With Cloud Function Trigger

I have 3 files per date per name in this format: 'nameXX_date', here's an example: 'nameXX_01-01-20' 'nameXY_01-01-20' 'nameXZ_01-01-20' where 'name' can be anything, and the date

Solution 1:

As I understand, the cloud function is triggered by a event on an object in the specific GCS bucket.

In that case your cloud function "signature" looks like (taken from the "medium" article you mentioned):

defcompose_shards(data, context):

The data is a dictionary with plenty of details about the object (file) has been finalized. See some details here: Google Cloud Storage Triggers

For example, the data["name"] - is the name of the object under discussion.

If you know the pattern/template/rule according to which those objects/shards are named, you can extract the relevant elements from an object/shard name, and use it to compose the target object/file name.

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