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How To Make A Python Script Run Without It Opening The Console Window?

I want to double click on my Python script (which uses a Tkinter GUI) and I just want it to open the Tkinter window, not the console window. To do this, I changed the extension fr

Solution 1:

it's been a while since i tried on linux, but i believe it should be fairly simple, firstly you need to put a shebang at the top of the script so your shell knows which executable to use:


or if you want a specific version you can expand this to:


using whichever version you want (only works for first 2 digits)

then you need to mark it as executable:

chmod 711

for more info on this see this page

then when you double click it, on the rpi (last i used linux) it asks if you want to execute it, or execute it in the terminal.

if you choose to execute it without the terminal, you should only see the tkinter GUI

Solution 2:

You can use pyinstaller to create the executables for the different platforms you want.

For example,

The syntax of the pyinstaller command is:

pyinstaller[options]script[script ...] | specfile

In the most simple case, set the current directory to the location of your program and execute:


PyInstaller analyzes and:

Writes myscript.spec in the same folder as the script.
Creates a folder build in the same folder as the script if it does not exist.
Writessome log files and working files in the build folder.
Creates a folder dist in the same folder as the script if it does not exist.
Writes the myscript executable folder in the dist folder.

In the dist folder you find the bundled app you distribute to your users.

Normally you name one script on the command line. If you name more, all are analyzed and included in the output. However, the first script named supplies the name for the spec file and for the executable folder or file. Its code is the first to execute at run-time.

For certain uses you may edit the contents of myscript.spec (described under Using Spec Files). After you do this, you name the spec file to PyInstaller instead of the script:

pyinstaller myscript.spec

You may give a path to the script or spec file, for example

pyinstaller options... ~/myproject/source/

or, on Windows,

pyinstaller "C:\Documents and Settings\project\myscript.spec"


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