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How To Merge Rows And Convert Them Into Columns

I have a dataframe as follows: ID START END SEQ 1 11 12 1 1 14 15 3 1 13 14 2 2 10 14 1 3 11 15 1 3 16 17 2 I need to tr

Solution 1:

You can use groupby with unstack, then sort_index and last remove MultiIndex from columns by list comprehension:

df['SEQ1'] = df.SEQ
df = df.groupby(['ID','SEQ1']).mean().unstack()
df = df.sort_index(axis=1, level=1)
df.columns = ['_'.join((col[0], str(col[1]))) for col in df.columns]
print (df)
    START_1  END_1  SEQ_1  START_2  END_2  SEQ_2  START_3  END_3  SEQ_3
1      11.0   12.0    1.0     13.0   14.0    2.0     14.0   15.0    3.0
2      10.0   14.0    1.0      NaN    NaN    NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN
3      11.0   15.0    1.0     16.0   17.0    2.0      NaN    NaN    NaN

Another solution with pivot_table, aggfunc='mean' is by default:

df['SEQ1'] = df.SEQ
df = df.pivot_table(index= ['ID','SEQ1']).unstack()
df = df.sort_index(axis=1, level=1)
df.columns = ['_'.join((col[0], str(col[1]))) for col in df.columns]
print (df)
    END_1  SEQ_1  START_1  END_2  SEQ_2  START_2  END_3  SEQ_3  START_3
1    12.0    1.0     11.0   14.0    2.0     13.0   15.0    3.0     14.0
2    14.0    1.0     10.0    NaN    NaN      NaN    NaN    NaN      NaN
3    15.0    1.0     11.0   17.0    2.0     16.0    NaN    NaN      NaN

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