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How To Use Str.format Inside A String Of Json Format?

Python Version 3.5 I'm trying to make an API call to configure a device using json as the format. Some of the json will vary depending on the desired naming, so I need to call a va

Solution 1:

Format String Syntax section says:

Format strings contain “replacement fields” surrounded by curly braces {}. Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal text, which is copied unchanged to the output. If you need to include a brace character in the literal text, it can be escaped by doubling: {{ and }}.

So if you want to use .format method, you need to escape all JSON curly braces in your template string:

>>> '{{"fvAp": {{"attributes": {{"name": {}}}}}}}'.format('"app-name"')
'{"fvAp": {"attributes": {"name": "app-name"}}}'

That looks really bad.

There's a better way to do that with string.Template:

>>>from string import Template>>>t = Template('{"fvAp": {"attributes": {"name": "${name}"}}')>>>t.substitute(name='StackOverflow')
'{"fvAp": {"attributes": {"name": "StackOverflow"}}'

Though I suggest abandoning the idea of generating configs this way altogether and using a factory function and json.dumps instead:

>>>import json>>>defmake_config(name):...return {'fvAp': {'attributes': {'name': name}}}>>>app_config = make_config('StackOverflow')>>>json.dumps(app_config)
'{"fvAp": {"attributes": {"name": "StackOverflow"}}}'

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