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Interleave Different Length Lists, Elimating Duplicates, And Preserve Order

I have two lists, let's say: keys1 = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'H', 'I'] keys2 = ['A', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K'] How do I create a merged list wi

Solution 1:

What you need is basically what any merge utility does: It tries to merge two sequences, while keeping the relative order of each sequence. You can use Python's difflib module to diff the two sequences, and merge them:

from difflib import SequenceMatcher

    res = []
    for (op, start1, end1, start2, end2) in sm.get_opcodes():
        if op == 'equal'or op=='delete':
            #This range appears in both sequences, or only in the first one.
            res += seq1[start1:end1]
        elif op == 'insert':
            #This range appears in only the second sequence.
            res += seq2[start2:end2]
        elif op == 'replace':
            #There are different ranges in each sequence - add both.
            res += seq1[start1:end1]
            res += seq2[start2:end2]
    return res


>>> keys1 = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E',           'H', 'I']
>>> keys2 = ['A', 'B',           'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',      'J', 'K']
>>> merge_sequences(keys1, keys2)
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K']

Note that the answer you expect is not necessarily the only possible one. For example, if we change the order of sequences here, we get another answer which is just as valid:

>>> merge_sequences(keys2, keys1)
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'I']

Solution 2:

I suspect that you may be asking for a solution to the shortest common supersequence problem, which I believe is NP-hard in the general case of an arbitrary number of input sequences. I'm not aware of any libraries for solving this problem, so you might have to implement one by hand. Probably the quickest way to get to working code would be to take interjay's answer using difflib and then use reduce to run it on an arbitrary number of lists (make sure to specify the empty list as the 3rd argument to reduce).

Solution 3:

I would use a Set (cf. python doc), that I'd fill with the elements of the two lists, one aafter the other.

And make a list from the Set when it's done.

Note that there is a contradiction/paradox in your question: you want to preserve order for elements that cannot be compared (only equality because "they are complex strings" as you said).

EDIT: the OP is right noticing that sets don't preserve order of insertion.

Solution 4:

I recently had stumbled upon a similar issue while implementing a feature. I tried to clearly define the problem statement first. If I understand right, here is the problem statement

Problem Statement

Write a function merge_lists which will merge a list of lists with overlapping items, while preserving the order of items.


  1. If item A comes before item B in all the lists where they occur together, then item A must precede item B in the final list also

  2. If item A and item B interchange order in different lists, ie in some lists A precedes B and in some others B precedes A, then the order of A and B in the final list should be the same as their order in the first list where they occur together. That is, if A precedes B in l1 and B precedes A in l2, then A should precede B in final list

  3. If Item A and Item B do not occur together in any list, then their order must be decided by the position of the list in which each one occurs first. That is, if item A is in l1 and l3, item B is in l2 and l6, then the order in the final list must be A then B

Test case 1:


l1 = ["Type and Size", "Orientation", "Material", "Locations", "Front Print Type", "Back Print Type"]

l2 = ["Type and Size", "Material", "Locations", "Front Print Type", "Front Print Size", "Back Print Type", "Back Print Size"]

l3 = ["Orientation", "Material", "Locations", "Color", "Front Print Type"]



['Type and Size', 'Orientation', 'Material', 'Locations', 'Color', 'Front Print Type', 'Front Print Size', 'Back Print Type', 'Back Print Size']

Test case 2:


l1 = ["T", "V", "U", "B", "C", "I", "N"]

l2 = ["Y", "V", "U", "G", "B", "I"]

l3 = ["X", "T", "V", "M", "B", "C", "I"]

l4 = ["U", "P", "G"]

merge_lists([l1,l2,l3, l4])


['Y', 'X', 'T', 'V', 'U', 'M', 'P', 'G', 'B', 'C', 'I', 'N']

Test case 3:


l1 = ["T", "V", "U", "B", "C", "I", "N"]

l2 = ["Y", "U", "V", "G", "B", "I"]

l3 = ["X", "T", "V", "M", "I", "C", "B"]

l4 = ["U", "P", "G"]

merge_lists([l1,l2,l3, l4])


['Y', 'X', 'T', 'V', 'U', 'M', 'P', 'G', 'B', 'C', 'I', 'N']


I arrived at a reasonable solution which solved it correctly for all the data I had. (It might be wrong for some other data set. Will leave it for others to comment that). Here is the solution


    return [item for sublist in list_of_lists for item in sublist]

defdifference(list1, list2):
    result = []
    for item in list1:
        if item notin list2:
    return result

defpreceding_items_list(l, item):
    if item notin l:
        return []
    return l[:l.index(item)]

    final_list = []
    item_predecessors = {}

    unique_items = remove_duplicates(flatten(list_of_lists))
    item_priorities = {}

    for item in unique_items:
        preceding_items = remove_duplicates(flatten([preceding_items_list(l, item) for l in list_of_lists]))
        for p_item in preceding_items:
            if p_item in item_predecessors and item in item_predecessors[p_item]:
        item_predecessors[item] = preceding_items
    print"Item predecessors ", item_predecessors

    items_to_be_checked = difference(unique_items, item_priorities.keys())
    loop_ctr = -1whilelen(items_to_be_checked) > 0:
        loop_ctr += 1print"Starting loop {0}".format(loop_ctr)
        print"items to be checked ", items_to_be_checked
        for item in items_to_be_checked:
            predecessors = item_predecessors[item]
            iflen(predecessors) == 0:
                item_priorities[item] = 0else:
                ifall(pred in item_priorities for pred in predecessors):
                    item_priorities[item] = max([item_priorities[p] for p in predecessors]) + 1print"item_priorities at end of loop ", item_priorities
        items_to_be_checked = difference(unique_items, item_priorities.keys())
        print"items to be checked at end of loop ", items_to_be_checked

    final_list = sorted(unique_items, key=lambda item: item_priorities[item])
    return final_list

I've also open sourced the code as a part of the library named toolspy. So you can just do this

pip install toolspy

from toolspy import merge_lists
lls=[['a', 'x', 'g'], ['x', 'v', 'g'], ['b', 'a', 'c', 'x']]

Solution 5:

Here's a C# solution I came up with -- using an extension method -- for the case where the two lists might not contain the same type of elements, so it takes a compare method and a selector method (that returns an object of the target type given the source object). In this case, the first list ("me") is modified to contain the final result, but it could be modified to create a separate list.

    ///<summary>/// Merges two sorted lists containing potentially different types of objects, resulting in a single/// sorted list of objects of type T with no duplicates.///</summary>publicstaticvoidMergeOrderedList<TMe, TOther>(this List<TMe> me, IReadOnlyList<TOther> other, Func<TMe, TOther, int> compare = null, Func<TOther, TMe> selectT = null)
        if (other == null)
            thrownew ArgumentNullException(nameof(other));
        if (compare == null)
            if (typeof(TMe).GetInterfaces().Any(i => i == typeof(IComparable<TOther>)))
                compare = (a, b) => ((IComparable<TOther>)a).CompareTo(b);
                thrownew ArgumentNullException(nameof(compare),
                    "A comparison method must be supplied if no default comparison exists.");

        if (selectT == null)
            if (typeof(TMe).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TOther)))
                selectT = o => (TMe)(o asobject);
                thrownew ArgumentNullException(nameof(selectT),
                    $"A selection method must be supplied if the items in the other list cannot be assigned to the type of the items in \"{nameof(me)}\"");

        if (me.Count == 0)

        for (int o = 0, m = 0; o < other.Count; o++)
            var currentOther = other[o];
            while (compare(me[m], currentOther) < 0 && ++m < me.Count) {}

            if (m == me.Count)

            if (compare(me[m], currentOther) != 0)
                me.Insert(m, selectT(currentOther));

Note: I did write unit tests for this, so it's solid.

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