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Microsoft Azure Django Python Setup Error Pillow

All sorta new to using Microsoft Azure and needed help deploying a Django App to it. When I push the code from my local repo to Azure it gives me this log. I noticed it says : The

Solution 1:

It seems that you were using Azure Web Apps/App Services for deploying your Django App which contains the Pillow package, and the Pillow package seems that you declared in the requirements.txt like Pillow>=2.0.0.

However, unfortunately, there are two issues for using the Pillow package on Azure App Services.

  1. Pillow includes C code which need to be compiled when deploying your app into Azure. The solution is that you need to build a wheel file of Pillow to add it to your project and declare the wheel file in the requirements.txt, please refer to the section Troubleshooting - Package Installation of Azure offical tutorial for Django to know it.

  2. Pillow as an image library for Python required GDI API & resources. On Azure App Services, any GDI calls are restricted and blocked, please see here to know.

So the only way for deploying your Django App is using Azure VM.

Solution 2:

Your pip is too old to download the whl (known issues with default version of Python). Please update your Python installation or update pip directly:

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