Numpy Random Array Values Between -1 And 1
Solution 1:
I'm not sure. Try:
s = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size)
Solution 2:
I can use numpy.arange
import numpy as np
print(np.arange(start=-1.0, stop=1.0, step=0.2, dtype=np.float))
The step
parameter defines the size and the uniformity in the distribution of the elements.
Solution 3:
In your solution the np.random.rand(size)
returns random floats in the half-open interval [0.0, 1.0)
this means 2 * np.random.rand(size) - 1
returns numbers in the half open interval [0, 2) - 1 := [-1, 1), i.e. range including -1 but not 1.
If this is what you wish to do then it is okay.
But, if you wish to generate numbers in the open interval (-1, 1), i.e. between -1 and 1 and hence not including either -1 or 1, may I suggest the following -
from numpy.random import default_rng
rg = default_rng(2)
size = (5,5)
rand_arr = rg.random(size)
rand_signs = rg.choice([-1,1], size)
rand_arr = rand_arr * rand_signs
I have used the new suggested Generator per numpy, see link
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