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Obtain File Size With Os.path.getsize() In Python 2.7.5

I am new to python. I am trying to use os.path.getsize() to obtain the file size. However, if the file name is not in Englist, but in Chinese, Gemany, or French, etc, Python cannot

Solution 1:

Use Unicode filenames and let Python encode the codepoints to the correct encoding for your system.

Alternatively, detect the filesystem encoding yourself, and ensure that your filenames are using that specific encoding when passing these to the os.path.getsize() function.

If you do not yet know what Unicode is, or how that relates to encodings, I urge you to read:

before you continue.

If you are specifying a literal string in your source code, then you need to make sure that you have specified the codec used to save your source, and to use a unicode literal:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

path = u"C:\xxxx\xxx\xxxx\Показатели естественного и миграционного прироста до 2030г.doc"

specifies that you saved your source code in UTF-8 and that the path variable should hold a Unicode string (note the u'' string literal).

Solution 2:

You can solve your problem with this code:

import codecs

path="C:\xxxx\xxx\xxxx\Показатели естественного и миграционного прироста до 2030г.doc"path=codecs.decode(path,'utf8') 

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