Pipenv Can't Install Packages And Throws An Error
I am a newbie to python. I have just installed Python and Pip. I need to install some packages for a personal project. I created a virtual environment using $ pipenv shell. I then
Solution 1:
if you want to use virtual environment you can use virtualenv package in python work with this package is easy
you can install this package with
python[version] -m pip install virtualenv
or use
pip[version] install virtualenv
go to path you want in your system and use this code in your windows cmd
virtualenv [name_of_your_folder]
then with cd command go to the folder created and open Scripst folder
then use this
By following these steps, you will enter the Python virtual environment on your system
Solution 2:
this means your pip command path is not set in the path variables of system
You can try doing the following:
go to This Pc>properties>Advanced Settings>environment variables
..then click new
..then select the path where your python pip command is available
.. and simply give it a name python38 thats it
then it will create your venv
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