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Plotting Histograms Against Classes In Pandas / Matplotlib

Is there a idiomatic way to plot the histogram of a feature for two classes? In pandas, I basically want df.feature[df.class == 0].hist() df.feature[df.class == 1].hist() To be in

Solution 1:

How about df.groupby("class").feature.hist()? To see overlapping distributions you'll probably need to pass alpha=0.4 to hist(). Alternatively, I'd be tempted to use a kernel density estimate instead of a histogram with df.groupby("class").feature.plot(kind='kde').

As an example, I plotted the iris dataset's classes using:

iris.groupby("Name").PetalWidth.plot(kind='kde', ax=axs[1])
iris.groupby("Name").PetalWidth.hist(alpha=0.4, ax=axs[0])

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