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Pydstool Do Not Recognize Scipy Version

I have installed PyDSTool package : pip install PyDSTool==0.90.2 It return : Requirement already satisfied: PyDSTool==0.90.2 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyDSTool-0.

Solution 1:

The PyDSTool project homepage at sourceforge is down: points to that returns "file not found".

The project has moved to GitHub:

There are several issues in line with yours there. The problem is that, currently, the development of SciPy's integrate module has broken the calls from PyDSTool.

One solution: use an older version of SciPy. The alternatives are either to find yourself the points of failure or to use the fork here:

Solution 2:

PyDSTool has a bug in line 76 of

The original code is as follows:

if vernums[1] < 5:
    raise RuntimeError("SciPy v0.5.1 or above is required")

I have changed the code like this and then the problem was gone:

if vernums[1] < 5:
    if vernums[0] == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("SciPy v0.5.1 or above is required")

The problem was that the original code didn't check the first version code.

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