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Python - Check At The End Of The Loop If Need To Run Again

It's a really basic question but i can't think at the second. How do i set up a loop that asks each time the function inside runs whether to do it again. So it runs it then says so

Solution 1:

while True:
    answer = raw_input( "Loop again? " )
    if answer != 'y':

Solution 2:

keepLooping = Truewhile keepLooping:
  # do stuff here# Prompt the user to continue
  q = raw_input("Keep looping? [yn]: ")
  if not q.startswith("y"):
    keepLooping = False

Solution 3:

There are two usual approaches, both already mentioned, which amount to:

while True:
    do_stuff() # and eventually...
    break; # breakout of the loop


x = Truewhile x:
    do_stuff() # and eventually...
    x = False # set x toFalseto break the loop

Both will work properly. From a "sound design" perspective it's best to use the second method because 1) break can have counterintuitive behavior in nested scopes in some languages; 2) the first approach is counter to the intended use of "while"; 3) your routines should always have a single point of exit

Solution 4:

While raw_input("loop again? y/n ") != 'n':

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