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Unknown Layer Type (crop) In Caffe For Windows

I want to use the following convolutional neural network: with caffe built from

Solution 1:

Answer :

You should modify net.prototxt from:

layers { ... type: CROP } to

layer { ... type: "Crop" }

and meanwhile, other layers' parameter in the prototxt should also be modified similarly to:

layer { ... type: "TypeString" },

and the TypeString can be found from:

  1. The line REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(some_layer_name) in related some_layer_name_layer.cpp file. For example, REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(Data) in data_layer.cpp means the TypeString should be Data when writing a data layer in net.prototxt.
  2. REGISTER_LAYER_CREATOR(some_layer_name, GetSomeLayer) in layer_factory.cpp. For example, REGISTER_LAYER_CREATOR(Convolution, GetConvolutionLayer) means the TypeString should be Convolution when writing a convolution layer in net.prototxt.


The reason for your problem is: you used an old layer parameter format

layers { ... type: SOMELAYERNAME }.

and this format coming from V1LayerParameter in caffe.proto doesn't support some newer layer type including the crop layer.

You can confirm this by checking that enum LayerType of V1LayerParameter doesn't include layer type CROP.

To avoid this probelm, you can always use the newest format:

layer { ... type: "TypeString" }

in which the TypeString can be found in the 2 places mentioned above.

Edit 1

A simple remark:

In general, the error:

Error parsing text-format caffe.xxxParameter: ...

can always be solved by checking that the xxx.prototxt files use the right field names declared in caffe.proto and right values are assigned to them(by checking the field type and its value range).

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