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Use Fileconfig To Configure Custom Handlers In Python

I'm using a config file to configure my logger in a Python application. This is the file: [loggers] keys=root [logger_root] level=INFO handlers=console [handlers] keys=console,fi

Solution 1:

The class= is evaluated in the namespace of the logging module, and by default this does not have a binding to handlers. So you could do

import logging, logging.handlers
logging.handlers = logging.handlers

before calling fileConfig(), and then class=handlers.TimedRotatingHandler should work.

Solution 2:

I ran into the same problem when using dictConfig The solution for me was to fully qualify the module path like this:

args=('../logs/twicker.log', 'd', 1, 5)

You might want to give that a try

Solution 3:

To extend on this a little if you decide to make a custom handler all you need to do is define that handler near the top of your code and then define it as an object in logging.handlers.


   """custom handler that queues messages
      to be uploaded in batches to the portal
      in a background thread
   """def__init__(self, basedir, mode='a', maxBytes=0, backupCount=0, encoding=None, delay=0):
       logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler.__init__(self, 'TestSavvyExecute.log','a',250000,40,'utf-8',0)
       self.maxBytes = maxBytes

   defemit(self, record):
           if logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler.shouldRollover(self, record):

           #ASCII characters use 1 byte eachiflen(record.msg) > self.maxBytes:
               oldMsg = record.msg

               record.msg = record.msg[0:self.maxBytes]
               logging.FileHandler.emit(self, record)

               record.msg = oldMsg[self.maxBytes + 1:]
              logging.FileHandler.emit(self, record)
       except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
           logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler.handleError(self, record)          

logging.handlers.MyCustomRotatingClass = MyCustomRotatingClass

Now you can easily reference it in your config file.


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