Use Recursion To Avoid Writing Nested Loop Number Equal To The Number Of Layers?
This excellent answer to Return a list of all objects vertically stacked above a given object? started me on tree traversal, now I need to start building a complex control panel us
Solution 1:
I use dfs and only use one class Sub (since I think Sub and DG is redundant). Here is the code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as lines
def__init__(self, name):
self.width = 1.0
self.x0 = 0.0 = name
self.dgs = []
defadd_dg(self, name):
dg = Sub(name=name)
return dg
self.trees = []
def__fill_dg_trees(dg_trees, dg, path):
for th in dg.dgs:
__fill_dg_trees(dg_trees, th, path + [dg])
ifnot dg.dgs:
self.trees.append(path + [dg])
__fill_dg_trees(self.trees, self, [])
self.n_trees = len(self.trees)
return ('{}'.format(self=self))
# -----------# | C | D |# -----------------------------# | B | F | G | H |# -----------------------------# | A | E |# -----------------------------# | Substrate |# -----------------------------
sub = Sub(name='My Substrate')
A = sub.add_dg(name='A')
B = A.add_dg(name='B')
C = B.add_dg(name='C')
D = B.add_dg(name='D')
E = sub.add_dg('E')
F = E.add_dg('F')
G = E.add_dg('G')
H = E.add_dg('H')
sub.goodies = set(sum(sub.trees, [])).difference(set([sub]))
for thing in sub.goodies:
sub.tree_height = max([len(tree) for tree in sub.trees]) - 1
sub.n_trees = len(sub.trees)
sub.n_goodies = len(sub.goodies)
print('sub.tree_height: ', sub.tree_height)
print('sub.n_trees: ', sub.n_trees)
print('sub.n_goodies: ', sub.n_goodies)
print('sub.goodies: ', sub.goodies)
for i, tree inenumerate(sub.trees):
print(i, tree)
defsquareit(thing, nh, dh, dd, hw, hh):
x0 = thing.x0
linez, texts = [], []
print('called thing: ', thing)
print('thing.width, thing.n_trees: ', thing.width, thing.n_trees)
for i, dg inenumerate(thing.dgs):
print('i, dg: ', i, dg)
print('dg.n_trees: ', dg.n_trees)
dg.width = float(dg.n_trees) * thing.width / thing.n_trees
dg.x0 = x0
print('dg.width: ', dg.width)
x1, x2 = x0+dd, x0 + dg.width - dd
y1, y2 = nh*dh + dd, ((nh+1)*dh) - dd
xx = np.array([x1, x2, x2, x1, x1])
yy = np.array([y1, y1, y2, y2, y1])
outline = lines.Line2D(xx, yy, lw=1., color='r', alpha=1.0,
transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig) #
xt, yt = x0+1.5*dd, ((nh+0.5)*dh)-dd
texts.append((xt, yt,
x1, x2 = x0 + 0.5*dg.width - hw, x0 + 0.5*dg.width + hw
y1, y2 = ((nh+0.5)*dh) - hh, ((nh+0.5)*dh) + hh
xx = np.array([x1, x2, x2, x1, x1])
yy = np.array([y1, y1, y2, y2, y1])
control_pannel_line = lines.Line2D(xx, yy, lw=3., color='k', alpha=1.0,
transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig) #
linez += [outline, control_pannel_line]
x0 += dg.width
return linez, texts
fig = plt.figure()
x0 = 0.
dd = 0.01
dh = 0.2
hw, hh = 0.05, 0.075# linez, texts = [], []# draw the substrate first
nh = 0
x1, x2 = x0+dd, x0 + sub.width - dd
y1, y2 = nh*dh + dd, ((nh+1)*dh) - dd
xx = np.array([x1, x2, x2, x1, x1])
yy = np.array([y1, y1, y2, y2, y1])
outline = lines.Line2D(xx, yy, lw=1., color='r', alpha=1.0,
transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig)
xt, yt = x0+1.5*dd, ((nh+0.5)*dh)-dd
texts = [(xt, yt,]
x1, x2 = x0 + 0.5*sub.width - hw, x0 + 0.5*sub.width + hw
y1, y2 = ((nh+0.5)*dh) - hh, ((nh+0.5)*dh) + hh
xx = np.array([x1, x2, x2, x1, x1])
yy = np.array([y1, y1, y2, y2, y1])
control_pannel_line = lines.Line2D(xx, yy, lw=3., color='k', alpha=1.0,
transform=fig.transFigure, figure=fig)
linez = [outline, control_pannel_line]
# Using DFS:defdfs(node, nh, linez, texts):
a, b = squareit(node, nh=nh, dh=dh, dd=dd, hw=hw, hh=hh)
linez += a
texts += b
for child in node.dgs:
dfs(child, nh+1, linez, texts)
dfs(sub, nh=1, linez=linez, texts=texts)
fig.lines.extend(linez) # (x, y, text) in texts:
fig.text(x, y, text, fontsize=14)
Notice the part with comment # Using DFS
I have tried it on my jupyter and seems to output the same thing as your code. Hope this help!
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