Using Python To Split Long String, By Given ‘separators’
Environment: Win 7; Python 2.76 I want to split a long string into pieces, according to given separator The string looks like: “C-603WallWizard45256CCCylinders:2HorizontalOpposed
Solution 1:
If you want to split by any instance of any of those separators, you may want a regular expression:
r = re.compile(r'|'.join(separators))
Note that this is not a safe way to build regexps in general; it only works here because I know that none of your separators contain any special characters. If you don't know that for sure, use re.escape
r = re.compile(r'|'.join(map(re.escape, separators)))
If you want to split by those separators exactly once each, in exactly that order, you probably want to use either str.split
or str.partition
bits = []
for separator in separators:
first, _, s = s.partition(separator)
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