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Why Does `false In Pandas.series([true,true])` Return True?

False in [True,True] False in pd.Series([True,True]) the first line of code returns False the second line of code returns True! I think I must be doing something wrong or missing

Solution 1:

You are checking whether 0 (internal False representation) is in the Series's index - @Uriel has shown a docstring explaining why is it happening:

In [286]: Falsein pd.Series([True,True])
Out[286]: True

is the same as:

In [287]: 0in pd.Series([True,True])
Out[287]: True


In [288]: Truein pd.Series([True,True])
Out[288]: True

is the same as:

In [290]: 1in pd.Series([True,True])
Out[290]: True


In [291]: 2in pd.Series([True,True])
Out[291]: False

because there is no such index in this series:

In [292]: pd.Series([True,True])
dtype: bool


if you want to check whether at least one series element is False or True:

In [296]: (pd.Series([True, True]) ==False).any()
Out[296]: FalseIn [297]: (pd.Series([True, True]) ==True).any()
Out[297]: True

Solution 2:

>>> help(pd.Series([True, True]).__contains__)
Help on method __contains__ inmodule pandas.core.generic:

__contains__(key) method of pandas.core.series.Series instance
    Trueif the keyisin the info axis

>>> pd.Series([True, True])
0True1Truedtype: bool

info axis

Solution 3:

If you are checking for more than one value, I highly recommend the isin method.

>>> pd.Series(range(10)).isin([1]).any()

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