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Attach File Like Object To Email Python 3

I have found a lot of examples on the net of how to attach local files to an email. What I want to do is attach a file like object to an email. Why you ask? so I don't have to deal

Solution 1:

Turns out I should have read

E-Mail Examples from Python Docs

more closely. Im pretty sure its because I was using only 1 MIME type object to build my email but trying to add multiple MIME objects. Basically to get it to work I used the below code. Happy days!

def email_sup_teams(team_name, contact_list, file_attachemnt):
    message_list = []
    for jobs in file_attachemnt:
        for k, v in jobs.items():
            message_list.append(v + ',')
    attachment_text = "\n".join(message_list)
    # Create the container (outer) email message.
    msg = MIMEMultipart()
    #msg = MIMEText(' Failed jobs list. Please see attachment')
    msg['Subject'] = 'Not run Jobs for ' + team_name
    msg['From'] = ''
    msg['To'] = ''
    msg.preamble = 'Failed jobs list. Please see attachment'
    f = io.StringIO(attachment_text)
    attachment = MIMEText(f.getvalue())
    attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename='jobs_not_run.xls')           

    s = smtplib.SMTP('smlsmtp')
    s.sendmail(msg['From'], msg['To'], msg.as_string())
    print('\n' + team_name + ' Email Sent')

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