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Compiling Swig Wrapper For Python In Windows

First, thank all of you for all the answer you gave me on this forum the last years, but today I couldn't find a clear answer and so I though It was time to post. I manage to compi

Solution 1:

Ok, I managed to do it.

1- Take care that you .i files are encoded in utf-8, as it prevented swig to compile if Python as a different encoding.( #error Must use Python with unicode enabled )

2- Download swig for Windows on and installing MinGW

3- type in cmd or Powershell

swig -c++ -python test5.i
g++ -c -Wall test5.cpp
g++ -c -Wall test5_wrap.cxx -I C:\Python27\include -I C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include\
g++ -Wall -shared -I C:\Python27\include -I C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include\ test5.o test5_wrap.o -o _Amod.pyd -L C:/Python27/libs/ -lpython27

-I C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include\ solve the Error : fatal error : numpy\arrayobject.h no such file or directory

-L C:/Python27/libs/ -lpython27 solve the Error : undefined reference to _imp__Py...

Contrary to the Linux compilation, the library C:/Python27/libs/python27.lib has to be carefully linked, as well as the directores of the headers (C:\Python27\include and for numpy C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\include) Hope it can helps, but I don't have the feeling it's a very clean job. See this previous post considering the errors I met.

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