Creating A Function To Process Through A .txt File Of Student Grades
Solution 1:
Your error (mainly) lies in the fact that you are comparing the input name to the last row of the file. This is because you check if parts[0] == name
where parts = line.split()
. This means the parts
are of the last row of the file always - no matter what name provided.
To fix this, I would start by a better way of storing your data. Right now you are just saving the names in a list. But what about the grades? I think a better solution would be to use a dict
. So start by changing to:
names = {} # instead of []
Now you want to fill that dict with the names as keys (keeps the logic similar as with the list) and the list of grades as the value for that key. So your file parsing can look like:
for line in file_name:
elements = line.split()
names[elements[0]] = elements[1:]
# names now look like: {'Anthony': ['85', '85', '85', '85'], 'Conor': [...], ... }
Now another thing is that you call the check_name
function but then make another check in process_marks
. This seems redundant. I would change the ceck_name
function to return a boolean indicating if the name is ok or not:
if person notin names:
print('\nNo test data found for ', person)
input("Press Enter to continue ...")
print(name_print + person)
And in process_marks
you can use it as:
name = input('Enter name of student whose test results you wish to see: ')
if check_name(name):
Lastly, regarding the parts
issue. Now you have the grades stored in names
along with the matching name they belong to. So all we have left to do is change print_scores
to take only one argument grades
and use that instead of parts
, and from process_marks
just call it:
A view of a possible complete code:
names = {}
name_print = "\nSummary of Test Results for "defprocess_marks(file_name):
withopen(file_name) as f:
for line in f:
elements = line.split()
names[elements[0]] = elements[1:]
print('\nNames of students who have written tests:')
print(*sorted(names), sep=' ')
name = input('Enter name of student whose test results you wish to see: ')
if check_name(name):
if person notin names:
print('\nNo test data found for ', person)
input("Press Enter to continue ...")
print(name_print + person)
print('=' * (len(name_print) - 1))
test_scores = ' '.join(grades)
print('Test scores: ', end=' ')
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