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Date Time Pass Value From Python To Mysql

I kept having sql syntax error.. what am I missing in here in order to pull data by day. Here's my python error : pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000', '[42000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driv

Solution 1:

You execute a query with formatting parameters but never pass these in; the % (start, next) part goes outside of the SQL query:

         select id,
     from bureau_inquiry where date_created >= %s and date_created < %s
     """ % (start, next)

You would be better off using SQL parameters however, so the database can prepare the query and reuse the query plan:

         select id,
     from bureau_inquiry where date_created >= ? and date_created < ?
     """, (start, next)

PyODBC uses ? for SQL parameters.

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