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Django Ddp Assistance

I'm sorry for this question I am not yet an expert to both django and meteorjs. I am trying to use this django-ddp technology but I am a little stuck on 'Start the Django DDP servi

Solution 1:

It would seem the issue is that your project isn't on the PYTHONPATH.

I had this issue when I wanted to set DDDP to be called from a executable python file. So, I created a file called and added this:

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport os
import subprocess

if __name__ == "__main__":
    new_env = os.environ
    new_env['PYTHONPATH'] = '/path/to/your/project'
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "tutorial.settings")['dddp'], env=new_env)

That adds the location of your project to the path and passes it to dddp.

I suppose you could also just modify the dddp exectuable and add in sys.path.append(/path/to/your/project) there as well or just add it to the path before calling DDDP every time, too. But the file above was just easier for me.

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