Find Generic Sub-lists Within A List
Just learning Python as my first coding language. Given a list with many possible sub-lists which have a variable number of elements, is there a way of using regex (or something si
Solution 1:
I agree that converting to string doesn't make any sense here, but regular expressions explicitly search strings so you're not looking for that either. You're looking for a recursive solution that tests for your rules, which are (essentially)
somelist IS or CONTAINS a list that begins with the string "a", ends with the string "b", and has three or more elements.
Codify that into:
returnlen(lst) >= 3and lst[0] == 'a'and lst[-1] == 'b'
Now you just have to recurse (to catch the "CONTAINS" part of the above rules)
iflen(lst) >= 3and lst[0] == 'a'and lst[-1] == 'b':
# base casereturnTrue# otherwise, flow continues...for el in lst:
ifisinstance(el, list):
# recursive caseif recurse_pass(el):
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