How To Crop Multi Images Use List Bounding Box Position In The File (python)?
I have a dataset of images.jpg and a file csv has values bounding box position is top, left, right, bottom. I use ubuntu OS and the python language.
Solution 1:
Something like this should work. It assumes a few things:
- that the separator in your CSV is a semi-colon, i.e.
- that your CSV file is called
- that you want the cropped images output to a sub-directory called
- that you have PIL/Pillow installed, though it could easily be adapted to use
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import csv
import json
from PIL import Image
def cropImage(filename,coords):
"""Crop image specified by filename to coordinates specified."""
print(f"DEBUG: cropImage({filename},{coords})")
# Open image and get height and width
im =
w, h = im.width, im.height
# Work out crop coordinates, top, left, bottom, right
l = int(coords['left'] * w)
r = int(coords['right'] * w)
t = int(coords['top'] * h)
b = int(coords['bottom']* h)
# Crop and save
im = im.crop((l,t,r,b))"output/" + filename)
# Create output directory if not existing
if not os.path.exists('output'):
# Process CSV file - expected format
# heading;heading
# 00000001.jpg?sr.dw=700;{'right': 0.9, 'bottom': 0.8, 'top': 0.1, 'left': 0.2}
# 00000002.jpg?sr.dw=700;{'right': 0.96, 'bottom': 0.86, 'top': 0.2, 'left': 0.25}
with open('images.csv') as csvfile:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';')
for row in csv_reader:
fieldA, fieldB = row[:2]
# Ignore header lines
if not "jpg" in fieldA:
# Strip trailing rubbish off filename
filename = re.sub("\?.*","",fieldA)
print(f"DEBUG: filename={filename}")
# Replace single quotes in JSON with double quotes
JSON = fieldB.replace("'",'"')
print(f"DEBUG: JSON={JSON}")
coords = json.loads(JSON)
print(f"DEBUG: coords={coords}")
cropImage(filename, coords)
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