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How To Fix Broken Python 2.7.11 After Osx Updates

What happened: After an OSx update and installing a new version of python 2.7 my virtualevn environment completely broke and I struggled in fixing it. I wasn't sure what caused it

Solution 1:

The reason

In my case was an OSx upgrade that affected my homebrew and after upgrading to python 2.7.11 is didn't install it properly.

How I got it to work:

I found steps 3 and 4 in a thread here and many thanks to

1 - Removed python 2.7 by using the post in here

2 - Removed the homebrew python installed version

brew uninstall python

3- Reinstall your Xcode command tools:

sudo xcode-select--install

4- Upgrade homebrew and reinstall python through homebrew:

brew update&& brew reinstall python    

Solution 2:

After doing brew upgrade python my system python was broken and was throwing fits about, as well as my pip command was just suddenly missing. I went to and downloaded the python 2.7.13 installer, ran it, I now have python 2.7.13, pip, and can run pip install virtualenvwrapper and things seem to work.

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