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How To Install Theano Library On Os X?

In my machine learning course we are going to start using theano, a very well known library for deep learning architectures. I all ready installed it with the following command: $

Solution 1:

Installing Python with Homebrew and installing Theano with pip after that worked fine for me. I just needed to install nose after that to be able to run the tests.

brew install python
pip install Theano
pip install nose

I cannot help much installing the framework with Anaconda though.

Solution 2:

Anaconda is indeed highly recommended for python libraries. In fact, Anaconda is not only for python in contrast to pip. You can read more here: What is the difference between pip and conda?

For installing Theano, I had already installed Anaconda. I just simply did:

conda install theano

Then, in Ipython, I successfully imported theano:

import theano

Solution 3:

Consider installing Theano in a virtual enviroment as oppose to installing it globally via sudo. The significance of this step is nicely described here. In your terminal window, do the following:

virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python2.7 theano-env
source theano-env/bin/activate
pip install -r

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