I Can't Install Any Github Project With Pip
Solution 1:
It seems you're facing two different issues.
First, for pycdc:
Pycdc does not seems to be a python package so it does make sense to install it with pip (but it's logical that the setup.py
was not found)
Checking there github (https://github.com/zrax/pycdc) it appears you need to download there source and build it.
Second, BlahCo:
You're trying to install it downloading there sources via ssh
instead of https
(like you tried with pycdc). If you try to use ssh
, you'll need to configure your github account with your ssh public key.
The error git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey)
shows that you did not configure your account correctly
For more details see: https://help.github.com/articles/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/
Solution 2:
In your requirements, add the URL with a Personal Token to the github repo.
Installing will use the https API instead of ssh, since you can't provide the keys.
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Collecting git+https://104360bcf4d8a00198bd355d73110ba75866c3e8:@github.company.com/kubernetes-paas/paas-shared-modules.git@master (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))
Cloning https://104360bcf4d8a00198bd355d73110ba75866c3e8:@github.company.com/kubernetes-paas/paas-shared-modules.git (to master) to /private/var/folders/c8/p20lpvwn1kl7cyk7b282s3x1j2r82f/T/pip-2py7sl6t-build
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