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I Can't Install Any Github Project With Pip

I've had to reinstall a lot of libraries on Windows. When I want to install pycdc from github Installing pycdc on windows. pip install git+ I get

Solution 1:

It seems you're facing two different issues. First, for pycdc: Pycdc does not seems to be a python package so it does make sense to install it with pip (but it's logical that the was not found) Checking there github ( it appears you need to download there source and build it.

Second, BlahCo: You're trying to install it downloading there sources via ssh instead of https (like you tried with pycdc). If you try to use ssh, you'll need to configure your github account with your ssh public key. The error Permission denied (publickey) shows that you did not configure your account correctly For more details see:

Solution 2:

In your requirements, add the URL with a Personal Token to the github repo.


Installing will use the https API instead of ssh, since you can't provide the keys.

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Collecting git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 6))
  Cloning (to master) to /private/var/folders/c8/p20lpvwn1kl7cyk7b282s3x1j2r82f/T/pip-2py7sl6t-build

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