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If Condition Not Working Properly Inside A Function Python 3

This is the following code.The test2 function doesnt get invoked why? Even if i enter 1 the test2 fuction is not called def test2(): print('here i come') def test1(): x=inp

Solution 1:

x=input("hey ill take u to next fuction")

x will be a string type, not an integer. You should change the if statement to compare the same types (either converting x to int, or 1 to "1"

Solution 2:

Because you are comparing a string (your input) with 1 that is a integer.So you need to convert the input to int and then compare it.

Also as it can raise ValueError you can use a try-except to handle that :

    x=input("hey ill take u to next fuction")
    try :
    except ValueError:
       print'enter a valid number'

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