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If Else In Robot Framework With Variables Assignment

I need to execute some keywords conditionally in robot framework, but I dont know how to do it, it does not work. I tried many options, but I guess I have the 'IF-ELSE' statement c

Solution 1:

Having IF/THEN/ELSE with multiple statements in each block does not work in Robot (or you would have to use "Run Keywords" I suppose, but that would become unreadable). So I would refactor your code this way:

Choose Particular Filter ${FILTER} And Uncheck All Values
    ${is_filter_opened}=   is filter opened   ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
    run keyword  if${is_filter_opened}    actions_when_unchecked
    ...                ELSE  actions_when_checked

    uncheck all in filter  ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
    click element   ${uncheck_all_button}

    ${particular_filter}:    find particular filter   ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
    click element   ${particular_filter}${uncheck_all_button}:   uncheck all in filter  ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
    click element   ${uncheck_all_button}

Hope this helps.

Solution 2:

Based on the below syntax, update your code n check it.

Syntax for IF-ELSE:

   Run Keyword If    '${Condition}'== 'True'    Run Keywords    <Keyword1><Keyword2>
   ...    ELSE    <Keyword1>

Syntax for "Set Variable" based on condition:

${Status}=    Run Keyword If    '${Condition}'== 'True'    Set Variable    <Yes>    <No>

As per your code in IF part,

if "bool=true", it will execute only the custom keyword "uncheck all in filter" but not the "Click element" keyword. If you want both the keywords to be executed based on the condition, then use "Run Keywords" keyword as mentioned in IF-ELSE syntax.

Solution 3:

From the version above 4, robot framework supporting assignment inside IF-Else refer:

IF    ${random} == ${NUMBER_TO_PASS_ON}${var} = set variable 10
ELSE IF    ${random} > ${NUMBER_TO_PASS_ON}${var} = set variable ${random}
${var} = set variable ${NUMBER_TO_PASS_ON}

Solution 4:

Thank you so much, Laurent, your solution is right! I just had to do some small changes to make it working:

Choose Particular Filter ${FILTER} And Uncheck All Values
${is_filter_opened}=   is filter opened   ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
run keyword if${is_filter_opened}    actions_when_unchecked ${FILTER}
...                ELSE  actions_when_checked ${FILTER}

actions_when_unchecked ${FILTER}${uncheck_all_button}=  uncheck all in filter  ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
click element   ${uncheck_all_button}

actions_when_checked ${FILTER}${particular_filter}=    find particular filter   ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
click element   ${particular_filter}${uncheck_all_button}=   uncheck all in filter  ${AVAILABLE FILTERS}${FILTER}
click element   ${uncheck_all_button}

Solution 5:

${error_status} Set Variable    False       
Run Keyword If  ${error_status} calltrue    ELSE    login_sucessful

calltrue and login_sucessful are keywords it can be any keyword of your choice. so in this case login_sucessful  keyword is executed. if error_status is set to truethen calltrue function will get executed.

Please be careful about the indentation a single space will mess up your execution flow

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