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Line Numbers For Every Cell In Vscode Jupyter Notebook Cells

In the normal Jupyter notebooks, we can add line numbers by pressing the L key after selecting the cell. All the subsequent cells for that notebook will have line numbers automatic

Solution 1:

In VS Code Jupyter Notebook, you can toggle line numbers by pressing L. The trick is to select the current cell first. You could select your cell by clicking in the blank area on the left margin of the cell (when it's selected the bar on the left turns blue). Now if you press L on your keyboard, you would be able to turn the line numbers on/off.

Solution 2:

As of 2021-01-04, this is sadly not possible.

Subscribe to the GitHub issue (Feature Request) Line Numbers - All Cells #1593 for updates.

Related: Line numbers should be enabled for current cell and subsequent cells when turned on #1659

Solution 3:

  1. Click on the blank area (left side of the cell).
  2. Press Shift + L.

Solution 4:

Coming in v1.56:

You can now temporarily toggle the line numbers of a cell in the current session from the cell toolbar, or change the visibility of line numbers for all notebooks through the notebook.lineNumbers setting.

Under the ... in the floating menu is a line number toggle. [The gif is too large for SO.]

release notes cell line numbers

Solution 5:

I always try any combination with modifiers keys. Found out that pressing Shift + L enables the lines number for all the notebook at once

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