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Partial Upload With Storbinary In Python

I've written some python code to download an image using urllib.urlopen().read() and then upload it to an FTP site using ftplib.FTP().storbinary() but I'm having a problem. Som

Solution 1:

It turns out I was not closing the downloaded file correctly. Let's all pretend this never happened.

Solution 2:

It's been a while since I looked at this code, but I remember the crux of it was that I was not closing the downloaded file correctly. I have the working code though, so just in case it was a problem with the upload and not the download, here are both snippets:

Here is the working code to download the image:

socket = urllib.urlopen(TheURL)
FileContents =
LocalFilename = LocalDir + FilenameOnly
LocalFile = open(LocalDir + FilenameOnly, 'wb')

Where TheURL is the URL of the file I'm trying to download, FilenameOnly is just the filename portion of the path, and LocalDir is the local destination. I believe my problem was that I was not calling LocalFile.close().

Here is the working code to upload the image:

FTPServer = ftplib.FTP(FTPServer, FTPUsername, FTPPassword)
UploadFile = open(Filename, "rb")


The problem could also have been that I was not calling FTPServer.quit()

If anyone has any questions about this code, I'll happily reply in the comments; I feel really bad that I left any Googlers hanging!

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