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Passing A Single Integer By Reference To Cython?

I'm trying to get a test project working that calls a C function, with a single integer parameter that needs to be passed by reference, from Python: test.cpp: #include

Solution 1:

As the error says: you're passing a pointer where it expects the plain type (C++ don't really behave like pointers - they can't be dereferenced etc.). I think the following should work:

defmyTest(int[:] val):

Your main function will also have issues since list is not a buffer type (so cannot be used with a memoryview). Fix that by converting it to a numpy array or Python array

def main():
   val = np.array([0], # or array.arraymyTest(val)

Solution 2:

&int (needed for testFn) and int * (your &val[0]) are not quite the same, that explains the compiler error.

Even if one could change a python-integer in-place, one should not do it. A possible solution is to pass a python-integer to the wrapper-function and return the result of the wrapped function as a new python-integer:

def myTest(int val):

Behind the scenes cython casts python-integer to a c-style integer and after the call of myTest back to a (new) python-integer. However, val is an independent (local) variable and not a reference to the original python-integer, so by changing it we don't change the original:

val: 6

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