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Pygame Snake Velocity Too High When The Fps Above 15

I am having a hard time figuring the physics of speed in this snake game I made using pygame. The issue is that as soon as I set the fps to be above 15, the snake's speed increases

Solution 1:

The return value of self.clock.tick() is the time which has passed since the last call. Use the return value to control the speed. Define the distance, of movement of the snake per second (e.g. self.velocity = 400 means 400 pixel per second). Get the time between to frames (delta_t) and scale the movement of the snake by the elapsed time (delta_t / 1000):

        # [...]# distance per second 
        self.velocity = 400# [...]defgame(self):

        # [...]while self.running:
            delta_t = self.clock.tick(30)

            # [...]ifnot self.paused:
                step = delta_t / 1000# / 1000 because unit of velocity is seconds
                self.snake_x += self.snake_x_change * step
                self.snake_y += self.snake_y_change * step


With this setup it is ease to control the speed of the snake. For instance, the speed can be increased (e.g. self.velocity += 50), when the snake grows.

Of course you have to round the position of the snake (self.snake_x, self.snake_y) to a multiple of the grid size (multiple of 25) when you draw the snake and when you do the collision test. Use round to do so:

x, y = round(self.snake_x / 25) * 25, round(self.snake_y / 25) * 25

Ensure that the positions which are stored in snake_list are a multiple of 25. Just append a new head to the list, if the head of the snake has reached a new field:

iflen(self.snake_list) <= 0or snake_head != self.snake_list[-1]:

Apply that to the methods build_snakedraw and check_apple_eaten:

    # [...]defbuild_snake(self):
        snake_head = list()
        x, y = round(self.snake_x / 25) * 25, round(self.snake_y / 25) * 25
        iflen(self.snake_list) <= 0or snake_head != self.snake_list[-1]:

        iflen(self.snake_list) > self.snake_length:
            del self.snake_list[0]

        for snake in self.snake_list[:-1]:
            if snake == snake_head:


        x, y = round(self.snake_x / 25) * 25, round(self.snake_y / 25) * 25if x == self.apple_x and y == self.apple_y:
            self.snake_length += 1
            self.score += 1defsnake_borders_check(self):
        x, y = round(self.snake_x / 25) * 25, round(self.snake_y / 25) * 25if x < 0or x > self.SCREEN_WIDTH - 25:
        if y < 0or y > self.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 25:

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