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Python Class Inheritance - Spooky Action

I've observed a strange effect with class inheritance. For the project I'm working on, I'm creating a class to act as a wrapper to another module's class. I am using the 3rd-party

Solution 1:

The aedion.project module does two things:

  • It adds methods from classes in the aedion.agents package to the class, in order for the documentation generator to include these when extracting docstrings and other information, using a ProjectMeta metaclass:

        Project metaclass with delegated methods added.
        Public methods are added to the class dictionary during :meth:`__new__`
        in order to fool Sphinx (and perhaps other API documentation generators)
        into thinking that the resulting instantiated class actually contains those
        methods, which it does not since the methods are removed during

    these methods, if used, would not be correctly bound however.

  • The Project.__init__ method calls Project._init_delegations(). This method deletes the delegated methods from the class:

    # Remove class-level function added by ProjectMeta.if hasattr(self.__class__, attr_name):
        delattr(self.__class__, attr_name)

    Note the use of self.__class__ here. This is needed because Python won't look for the delegated method via the __getattr__ hook if the method is found on the class instead.

    The delegated methods are bound to a dedicated agent instance, so are in fact delegating to that agent:

    agent = getattr(aeidon.agents, agent_class_name)(self)
    # ...
    attr_value = getattr(agent, attr_name)
    # ...
    self._delegations[attr_name] = attr_value

When you create a wrapper around this class, the deletion step fails. self.__class__ is your wrapper, not the base Project class. Thus the methods are bound incorrectly; the metaclass-provided methods are being bound, and the __getattr__ hook is never invoked to find the delegated methods instead:

>>>import aeidon>>>classWrapper(aeidon.Project): pass...>>>wrapper = Wrapper()>>>wrapper.open_main
<bound method Wrapper.open_main of <__main__.Wrapper object at 0x1106313a8>>
<__main__.Wrapper object at 0x1106313a8>
<bound method OpenAgent.open_main of < object at 0x11057e780>>
< object at 0x11057e780>

because the open_main method on Project still exists:

<function OpenAgent.open_main at 0x110602bf8>

As soon as you create an instance of Project those methods are deleted from the class:

>>> Project()
<aeidon.project.Project object at 0x1106317c8>
>>> Project.open_main
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: typeobject'Project' has no attribute 'open_main'

and your wrapper would start to work as now the delegated open_main is found:

>>> wrapper.open_main
<bound method OpenAgent.open_main of < object at 0x11057e780>>
>>> wrapper.open_main.__self__
< object at 0x11057e780>

Your wrapper will have to do the deletions itself:

        for name in self._delegations:
            ifhasattr(aeidon.Project, name):
                delattr(aeidon.Project, name)

Note that if the aedion maintainers replaced self.__class__ with just __class__ (no self) their code would still work and your subclass approach would also work without having to manually do the class clean-up again. That's because in Python 3, the __class__ reference in methods is an automatic closure variable pointing to the class on which a method was defined. For Project._init_delegations() that'd be Project. Perhaps you could file a bug report to that effect.

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